

Distributed database

For the best uptime and security, Tigermeeting applications' operation is based on a distributed database architecture and unique, high watermark synchronization technology.

This means that every device is up to date with the latest information and are not dependent on any centralized data store, external cloud environment or eventual local downtime in order to show the correct information to the users.


...even the Admin app - the central management console does not store any data on the Admin's local computer. Instead - when started - the Admin app becomes an organic part of the distributed database that is constantly shared between the booking and overview screens across the local network.

To make it clear what the Admin app does - it basically just:

- discovers the devices on the network

- fetches the devices'  configuration

- alters the configuration

- pushes back the new configuration to the devices

The devices will continue to work fully independently until the next Admin configuration session (that may or may not occur in the future).

Therefore, there is no requirement for a constantly running Admin app server - and the Admin app does not store any information, and there is no need for any external cloud server either.

We believe, this technology is the best, self sustaining solution for an independent, modular application ecosystem suitable for on-premises, high security deployments and scalable infrastructures. 

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